The Real Fire Risks
Caravan Lithium Batteries - The Real Risks: Installation and Usage
LiFePO4 - Lithium batteries are inherently safe, the risk of fire can arise from poor installation and incorrect practices. Some key factors that can lead to safety issues such as:
Incorrect Installation: No circuit protection, no fuse, cables incorrectly crimped, chargers, inverter and battery incorrectly wired to one another;
Improper Wiring: Incorrectly sized or poorly connected wires can lead to overloading. It’s crucial to use the right gauge of wire and ensure all connections are secure, and adequate for the active load.
How to select reliable products for your caravan power set-up.
How to choose the right products for a 12 volt caravan power system.
How to select a caravan battery for a reliable caravan power set-up ?
What are the best lithium batteries for caravan power systems?
How to Power Your Caravan Off Grid
How to upgrade your caravan solar system for longer off-grid camping.
How to choose the right battery for your caravan.
What solar panels and solar charging do you need for your 12v caravan power setup.
What caravan power system do you need to run 240v appliances off grid such as a coffee machine and air conditioner.
How we saved Angela and Victor Thousands!!
How we saved Angela and Victor Thousands On Their New Caravan — Lithium Battery & Solar Power Solutions for Caravans & 4WDs
How To Set-Up Your Caravan For Off-Grid Camping Around Australia.
How To Set-Up Your Caravan For Off-Grid Camping Around Australia
Before you upgrade your caravan power system..
Today, caravan powers systems need more power and must be reliable, particularly when camping off grid without mains power.
Electrical Fault With Brand New Caravan
Electrical Fault With Brand New Caravan caused by the wrong size cable.
The correct cable size from battery to inverter will reduce the capacity of the inverter and can cause a caravan fire.
What We Do
We take our family in our caravan on camping adventures around Australia and we know from experience what it takes to set-up an off the grid caravan power solution.
What does OFF GRID mean?
Going off grid means you can not use 240 volt household appliances in your caravan. For example…
Caravan Inverters
Caravan Inverters. How to choose a caravan inverter, how to install an inverter, who is qualified to install an inverter and what are the cost of an inverter installation.
Kokoda Caravan Gets Full Off Grid Lithium Solar Power Upgrade
Caravan OffGrid Lithium Battery & Solar Power Upgrade, 240V hard wired to caravan power points.
How To Plan A Caravan Power System Upgrade.
A failing cheap power system to a full power upgrade, this caravan now has enough power to stay at free camps off grid for longer and hassle free.